The 11th International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF'13) has
officially started on Tuesday at İstanbul's Tüyap Convention Center in
Büyükçekmece. Parliament Speaker Cemil Çiçek, Turkish Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz, Land Forces Commander Gen. Hayri Kıvrıkoğlu, İstanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu and leaders of many foreign defense companies were also in attendance at the opening ceremony of the fair. The fair, which is under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defense and directed by Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, will be held on the dates between May 7-10, 2013. |
Harbiye, askerlik, askeriye, savunma ile ilgili tüm gelişmeler, eleştiriler, asker-siyaset ilişkisi, askeri operasyonlar, gibi ve benzeri haberler, köşe yazıları, dosyalar buradan aktarılmaya çalışılacak.